Readers’ Voice


Revival of Hungary

It is true that once football power house Hungary made exit from the European Championship 2020 finishing 4th in the group. They lost to Portugal, but drew with defending World Champions France and four times World Champions Germany displaying better brand of soccer. Had the coach of the team asked his players to defend the 2-1 lead against Germany in the final eight minutes, they would have cruised into the knockout stage.
The match, however, reminds me of their clashes with West Germany in the 1954 World Cup Football. At the group stage, Hungary torpedoed West Germany by 8-3 goals, but astonishingly lost to the same team in the final by 2-3 goals. Soccer experts say that the referee disallowed a legal goal of Hungary scored in the first half. Referee’s decision disheartened Hungary, but delighted West Germany.
Thus West Germany won their first World Cup within nine years of the World War II devastations. There are lessons for others to learn how to rebuild on ashes.

Abdullah Sarker


Talk shows on television

Most of the television channels telecast talk show every day, mostly political, though there are many other subjects. Talk show can be on sports. literature, art and architecture, science and expedition, history and geography, and root of the independence of Bangladesh. Unfortunately those are overlooked. We think that the TV owners may think over the matter as to how to arrange talk show on the above subjects.
In this regard, we would request the TV owners to invite proper persons so that no controversy arises. As for example, there was a question on the right of a daughter, if she is the lone heir to the property of the deceased. Sadly the answer was not given, which astonished me.
About the daughters’ right, a letter was issued in this paper few days ago.

Ameer Hamzah
