Readers’ Voice


Departure Of US Troops From Afghanistan

The departure of the US troops from Afghanistan may install the Taliban Militia in power, which will be a nightmare for most of the Afghan women. They fear that they will be sent back to the kitchen, contrary to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Sm). When the Prophet has made education compulsory for both male and female, the Talibans do the opposite as we saw them.
In this regard we like to draw their attention to the Verse No. 34 of Sura Al Ahzab. According to it, what Allah and His Prophet decided, no one has authority to interfere in it.
According to the Hadith Nos. 1760 and 1761 of Bukhari Sharif in Bengali edited by Maulana Hafez Mohammad Abdul Jalil, the Prophet’s wives including Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) took part in the battle of Ohud. Hazrat Ayesha and others watered the thirsty soldiers, served the injured troops and sent back the dead ones in the city of Medina.
We hope that the conservative Muslims will realize the truth that the women are not the captives. Rather, Allah says, “You (O males) are their garments and they (females) are your garments. (Sura Baqarah:237).

Ameer Hamzah


Safe Screen For Children

The anxious guardians have allowed their children to join online classes using smart gadgets and multimedia devices in a bid to keep ongoing distance learning continued. As children are getting more access to this window of both online and offline opportunities, they might be engulfed with some ultimate threats.In this connection, we should foster sound and safe screen habits for our kids through a cooperative and collaborative approach. We have to decide first whether our children are ready for a personal device or not and the contents which our children are interested in must be age-appropriate. We should talk to our kids about what they are seeing considering their teen’s maturity. We must settle daily screen time for them. We should encourage all to have basic digital literacy for online privacy and safety.
We need to make sure that kids are closer during screen time so that we can mentor them, supervise activities and help them to determine what is appropriate. We should educate them not to send or share anything online which they should not want the entire world to see.

Ahnaf Sajid Jawad
Sadar, Narsingdi
