Readers’ Forum


Big game over South China Sea

The new US Secretary of State has vowed not to allow China to retain its artificial island in the South China Sea. Not only that, he has hinted also of an war with the world’s third largest nuclear power and second largest economy.
In a sharp contrast, the Chinese government has warned the US of severe consequence of playing with fire and pledged to maintain its suzerainty in the disputed sea. The war analysts apprehend a possible nuclear holocaust if the US ventures to capture the artificial island. In this circumstance, they say, what will the Russian Federation do?
A retired college teacher said: It is a very rigid question to answer. In the sixties of the last century, many military experts said analyzing China’s ultra-nationalist doctrine, (former) Soviet Union would join the US against China. The silence of Moscow on the war of words till now gives that signal. If Russia raises any of its fingers in favour of Beijing, the Trump administration will think several times before declaring a war on China.
Ameer Hamzah

BCIC’s dismal failure


The agriculture industry, which accounted for a fifth of the country’s GDP last year, is the reason Bangladesh doesn’t have to import food items to meet the domestic demand. However, the Bangladesh Chemical Industries Cooperation (BCIC), and a few of its syndicates and high officers in particular, have done a very poor job with the management of fertiliser distribution. Such negligence and misconduct is inexcusable.
The farmers of the country will continue to be exploited if the persons responsible are not given their due punishment.

Mobarak Hossain,
