Readers’ Forum

A good decision :
The government has sanctioned five more television channels in the country. The name of one of the channels is Khela. Since the English synonym of khela is sports, we may suppose that it will be a ‘sports channel,’ for which the nation has been eagerly waiting for long. For this, we applaud both the government and the patron of the channel.
We are sure that this television channel will be profitable one because there should not be deficiency of advertisements as the people of Bangladesh are sports oriented.
In this regard, we shall suggest the Khela channel authority to give attention to all the disciplines of the World Olympic and the Asian Games. Some of the disciplines are soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, lawn tennis, athletics, swimming, cricket, hockey, gymnastics, shooting, archery and wrestling.
We are optimistic about the success of the Khela channel.

Abdullah Rahi
