Readers’ Forum


Avoid one-eyed criticism
 The so-called progressive writers and the Hindu leaders unlike the majority population of the country have demanded cancellation of the text book boards, which contain several poems and stories of Islam oriented. Among the poems, which are incorporated this year, there is Kazi Nazrul Islam’s Omar Faruque.
In this backdrop, may we ask them what is meant by communalism? I like to remind them that Islam is not mere a religion of few rituals, but a socio-economic and political doctrine aiming at establishing such a society where no man shall exploit another and there shall prevail justice.
By the poem Omar Faruque, the students will learn that a ruler of the state will share the sufferings and miseries of his people. Hazrat Omar (RA) was the first administrator who introduced unemployment pension system for the jobless.
We request the critics who are blind to refrain from making unrealistic demand.
Ekram ul Haque
