Readers’ Forum


Of political doctrine

The Indian Supreme Court in a ruling few days ago banned mixture of religion with politics during the election campaign. With respect for the rulling, we want to say that we have our reservation about the judgment for the following reasons.

Islam is not merely a religion of few worships, but a distinct socio-economic and political doctrine as well. According to this principle, no man shall exploit another, and there shall prevail justice. In support thereof, we like to quote a verse of the Al Quran and two Hadith.
“”And give not unto the weak in understanding your property which Allah has made a means of support for you, but feed and clothe them therewith, and speak to them words of kindness and justice,”- Al Quran, Surah An Nisa, Verse No. 5.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said: Feed the hungry, clothe the needy and release the (innocent) prisoners-Bukhari Sharif.
Allah says in Hadith-e-Qudsi, Hadith No. 246: I do not accept Namaj of every person. I accept Namaj of him only who submits his humbleness to My Greatness, keeps from things forbidden by Me, disobeys not My Command feeds the hungry, clothes the needy, shelters the stranger, shows kindness to the distress and all these he does for Me.
The Prophet banned cuttings the hands of the thief if he was driven by hunger in terms of Verse No. 3, Surah Maidah, Al-Quran. Not only that, he ordered rehabilitation of his family first, otherwise execution of punishment was kept pending. The text of that portion of the verse is:
“But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
In view of the above, if any individual or the political leader says if his party is voted to power, there will be justice and no man shall exploit another or that State will take the charge of the poor and the have-nots, will it be wrong?
Ameer Hamzah
