Readers’ Forum


Film industry in crisis

Cine-movies are still popular in our country although the number of cinema halls came down to about 300 from 1500 in a decade. If the trend continues, the country will be free from cinema halls within the next decade or less. So, to save the film industry, the government should take some reformatory measures including patronising the creative directors and the producers to make films as their predecessors did in the past.
The cine-goers like to watch films like Mukh O Mukhosh, Tomar Aamar, A Desh Tomar Aamar, Matir Pahar, Akash O Mati, Aito Jiban, Je Nadi Marupate, Nadi O Nari, Dharapat, Suryosnan, Kakhano Asenie, Kancher Dewal, Sootarang, Surya Dighal Bari, Golapai Ekhon Traine, Jago Hua Sabera (Day Shall Dawn), Dur Hai Sukh Ka Gaon (Off Human Happiness), Ek Khando Jami, Shayamol Chhaya, Aguner Parashmoni and Nawab Sirajuddowlah.
We know that the stories of some of the movies are the reflections of the truth, not fiction, and human life..
Will the Film Development Corporation take initiative?

Peter Rozario
