Readers’ Forum


Promoting the youngsters

The young generation are crazy about becoming popular on the internet. To do so, they engage themselves in various acts which are not suitable for their age. They come in contact with various types of people, and unfortunately some get in touch with people with immoral motives. Apart from all these hazards, many of the kids are bullied, and they hardly have anyone to protect them. In this materialistic world, many parents are too busy in attaining success and establishing a future for their children to spend sufficient quality time with them. The youngsters, feeling an absence of their parents in their day to day lives, employ themselves in various relationships, connect themselves to people older than them, and gradually end up in a position from where they can never return. To make the younger generation feel protected, to make the children feel free, to make the children feel self reliant, the parents surely have tons of things to offer. The young ones today desperately need someone who can understand their problems and give valuable answers to their respective problems. So, to ensure a safe future for the child, a parent’s responsibility is not only to work, but also to make the relationship with their children more meaningful.
Nazmus Sakib Khan Mahim
Mahim reads in Grade-Eight in a city school
