Readers` Forum


Declining film industry

The number of cinema halls in the country declined by one-third in a decade for mainly three reasons. The adverse environment in the cinema halls does not attract the cine-goers, particularly females, at all. This is not the end. Neither an art film of good quality nor a pure martial art based movies are produced nowadays.
I must not say there are crises of resources, but there is crisis of initiative from both the private and the State levels. We are deprived of quality movies like Kancher Dewal, Kakhano Aeseni, Jago Hua Sabera ( Daw Shall Dawn), Jiban Theke Newa, Surya Dighal Bari, A Desh Tomar Aamar, Je Nadi Marupathe, Golapi Ekhan Traine and the like. And about martial art based movies, which could draw crowds in he cinema halls, scheme should be taken to make films like Chinese Boxer, Exit the Dragon Enter the Tiger and Cosa Nosatra Asia.
I think Bangladesh has top class martial art fighters. They may be Ilyas Cobra, Kabir Khan, Dani Sidak, Sancho Panja, Rubel, Chita, Alexandar Bo, Dany, Siraj Panna and others. It is possible to make an crowd drawing movies with them.
In this situation, we like to draw the attention of the government.

