Readers’ Forum


Crime on rise

The murder of seven persons, including the panel mayor of the Narayanganj city corporation, after abduction has created sensation through out the country. This is surely alarming and deadly and, therefore, the murderers and the masterminds must be tried according to the law of the land and must not be spared. There is no room for showing leniency to the offenders.
It is true that society without crime is almost impossible. ‘Might is right’ ruled the primitive age, and many areas of the world, even today.
In the primitive society, when it became impossible for people to survive due to lawlessness, people conversed with one another, reached an agreement and handed power to a man, and vowed to abide by his commands. In this way, State came into being according to British philosopher Hobbs.
German philosopher Hegel said, “State is the march of God on earth.” It means that the duty of kings and emperors must be to eradicate lawlessness, and to ensure life and property of every citizen.
The administrator(s) who cannot protect life and security of people will be lodged in the paradise, believes the Muslims.
So, we would request the government to be hard to deal with every crime to restore sense of confidence in the society.

Rashida Akhter
