Readers’ Forum


All in only 10 minutes

 An Egyptian court in its second verdict awarded death sentence to 683 people last month on charge of killing a policeman in August last year. The same court in its first judgment ordered to hang 529 people on identical charge.
 Most of the prisoners are reportedly supporters of the banned Muslim Brotherhood overthrown from power by the Army one year ago, saying that President Morsi had failed to reform the country’s economy and administration and overlooked attack on the Army units in the Sinai Peninsula by the extremists during his one year tenure as President of the country.
But the capricious judgment gives signal of the return of the Pharaoh because the accused were not heard and the court finished its activities in 10 minutes only.
The public prosecutor read out the charges brought against the accused and the judge wrote their fate as quickly as possible. Perhaps, the present military government of Egypt, the land of the Nile civilisation, will be remembered by the rest of the world for killing its own people as per whims and caprice, having least respect for justice. The judge forgot that even Almighty Allah has granted right to defend against charges as He did it when Iblish (saytan) did not prostrate before Adam..

Abdullah Khan
