Readers’ Forum


Make electricity cost efficient
Nasrul Hamid, State Minister For Power, Energy And Mineral Resources said on September 25,2016 that the government will respond within a week to Unesco’s concern over the Rampal power plant close to the Sunderbans and recommendation for cancellation of the project.
But what about the concern of the whole nation, from the very beginning they are protesting and urging the government to drop the plan as it will not only destroy world’s largest mangrove forest, it’s long term effect will be disastrous, it will be harmful for the whole country. The government is not listening to any reason; it is going head on, not caring about anything. We learned that India did not allow a similar plant in their side but how could they insist to build it on our side?
We hope the government will come to its senses and save the country from destructions.
Nur Jahan
