Readers’ Forum


The dilapidated road

The road connecting BGB Gate No.5, Hazaribagh Bazar, Monesshor Road and Beribad has been in a bad shape for a long time. The condition has worsened in the aftermath of the cattle market that was held before the Eid-Ul-Azha.
Vehicles struggle to drive through the road and pedestrians have to walk barefoot to protect their footwear; and filthy water accumulated in potholes and ditches splashes onto pedestrians’ clothes as vehicles pass through them. Remaining rawhide of slaughtered animals are also scattered across the road.
This road should be repaired immediately as it is the main way to go to Beribad and Jawchor from Hazaribagh Bazar.

Iqbal Khan
Hazaribagh, Dhaka
