Readers’ Forum


Replacing Paksey Bridge

The government seems droopy to the utmost need of constructing a railway bridge at Paksey in the district of Pabna, as the life of the Hardinge Bridge has already expired. If no new bridge is constructed, the railway communication in the country will be seriously jeopardized in the years to come. Not only that, the railway communication between Bangladesh and India will also be cut off.
 But what a surprise matter it is that the railway ministry does not say a single word about the subject.
After abandonment, the Hardinge Bridge should be properly maintained for the tourists because the bridge is one of the wonders of the world’s railway engineering. The greenery of the railway town Paksey and the bridge can be the source of revenues to the government, not because of its length but because of its super design and unique construction.
We, therefore, hope that the government will be very serious and will issue a statement soon.
Abdullah Akber


Unrest in Kashmir

It implies upon every Marxist and every nationalist to stand by the people of Kashmir who have been fighting for their freedom for ages. They are shedding blood every moment, the females are being raped indiscriminately, the males are being blinded, their houses and commercial establishments are being looted and burnt, yet they have refused to surrender to the Indian occupation forces. We do not also support annexation of Kashmir by Pakistan because of its colonial approach.
So we demand instant end of atrocities let loose against the freedom loving Kashmiri people, and at the same time we call for intervention by the world powers to save the armless people of Kashmir valley, now a death trap.
In the present world, the Kashmir, the Palestine and the Rohingya people, and the Chinese Muslims cannot enjoy civil, religious and political rights unlike the non-Muslims.
