Readers’ Forum


Upholding moral standard

We congratulate Uganda government for banning gay marriage, and making law with provision of punishment for violation of the ordinance. The Kampala government has, thus, set a glaring example of upholding ethics and morality and taking bold stand against lewdness.
For years, we have been observing the so-called champions of human rights to export lewdness and indecency to the economically weak countries. Several European countries earlier threatened of economic sanction against Uganda if the gay-marriage was banned. A spokesman of the Kampala government said, gay-marriage is against our religious belief and as such we cannot legalise it in our country.
Political Philosopher Hobbhouse said, “Rights are what we expect from others, and others from us, and all genuine rights are conditions of social welfare.” Another political scientist said, human rights are based on religion, justice, and customs and traditions. No religion endorses indecency.
From the above definition, it is clear that gay-marriage, lesbian and homo-sex do not serve the conditions of social welfare, rather devastate human morality and destroy society. These three are crimes of grave nature, severer than human slaughtering, and therefore, are punishable offence.
We shall, therefore, request the USA and the West Europe to refrain from exporting lewdness to other countries. Will they respond to our call for respecting moral obligation?
Abu Dawood Khan
