Readers’ Forum


Circle of social life reducing

The seed of unrest was planted on January 5, 2014 when ignoring 16 crore people of Bangladesh, the government was formed without people’s mandate. From that day peace has vanished, the country is crumbling down because it has no foundation. When democracy is absent anything can happen and that is happening in a very gruesome way. Law and order is in shambles because those who are in power are pampering the law-enforcing agents and the government officials so that they could remain in power.
We are feeling suffocated. The circle of our normal life is becoming smaller day by day, we cannot speak out our minds, we have to remain like deaf, blind and mute.
The situation has come to such a pass that Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, a senior politician has to weep and say in a broken voice,” May be we will have to be in prison or be hanged”.
What is happening in our country? Is it for this the valiant sons of this soil laid their lives? It cannot go on like this, people must get united and compel the government to return their voting rights, an election acceptable to all must be held within a short time. If it is not done the country will be in a great peril.

 Nur Jahan
