Readers’ Forum


More expert electricians needed

Electricity is the indispensible driving force of development and the ingredient to enhance the standard of living nowadays. Expansion of electricity distribution to urban and rural people as well as to organisations has been going on rapidly since 2009. No doubt that it aided in the expansion of the economy.
But along with the expansion of electricity, incidents of electrocution have also been on the rise mainly owing to lack of trained electricians. We have lost many valuable lives during the last few years. Every day, newspapers have been publishing such unfortunate accidents. In many government polytechnic institutions, technical courses are being imparted, but the number of trained electricians coming out is far less than required. In this context, the Technical Education Board needs to make arrangements to expand training facilities for electricians on an urgent basis. We need safe use of electricity throughout the year.

Mohammad Ashraf Hossain
Middle Bashabo, Dhaka
