Readers’ Forum


Be kind to those with a psychological stress

A couple of years ago, I went to visit the Pabna Mental Hospital for the first time. There, I met a strange man who was a guitarist and has been staying there willingly for a long time. More than 3 years later, a few days ago, I went to Pabna again and visited the Mental Hospital with a view to seeing that strange man. But I didn’t see him as he had left the hospital and gone home. When I was coming back, a boy called me and asked if I had a phone. Then he requested me to call his brother and inform him that he was in a good condition and wanted to go back home. I called his brother but unfortunately, the number was not available.
My experience raised some thoughts in my mind; many of us send our mentally ill kith and kin to mental hospitals, but bother very little to take them back home or take care of them properly. We should be more considerate about them and do our duties to them properly.

Sayek Ahmed Sajib
University of Rajshahi
