Readers’ Forum


The fear psyche

I do not know how to express the grief, despair, fear and all sorts of negative emotions, which have got hold of me, and I think people all over the country are assailed by these emotions.
Day by day the situation of the country is becoming more frightening and we think it is related to January 5, 2014. On that day a grave injustice has been done, the country is heading towards a point of no return. All sorts of crimes have increased in manifolds; abductions and killings have become a routine occurrence. Dead bodies of eight abducted people were found in the river Sitalakhya who were brutally murdered. The way the bodies were dumped is so bizarre that we used to think these things happen only in horror stories.
Those who took charge of the country failed miserably to give security to the people. Where is the so called opposition? Why is opposition leader Roushan Ershad silent?
We are stunned by learning that police barred eminent citizens from protesting at abduction, they snatched the PA system, banners and festoons when a group of eminent citizens tried to hold a human chain at Manik Miah Avenue on May 3, 2014. Who ordered the police to do it? Or did they do it on their own? Either way it is a very deplorable act.
Will ever those who are at the helm think about the people instead of trying to remain in power? We do not know, we can only pray to Almighty Allah to save us from this agonizing situation.
Nur Jahan
