Readers’ Forum

Discipline the auto-drivers :
Public transport nuisance in Capital is not a new phenomenon. It is very difficult to board in and get down from public bus(es) during office time. In this situation auto rickshaw, taxicab and rickshaw are the other mode of transports for lower middle class and middle class group who do not have any private vehicles. The old men and women, and kids in particular have to rely on taxi, rickshaw and auto rickshaw for such journeys.
Now a days taxicab has becomes more expensive one. So, auto rickshaw is the only last source left. But this auto rickshaw is also going beyond the capacity of middle-income people. These autos are not running on meter. Last year, the government imposed new fare for auto rickshaws and introduced new meter also.
At first time they have shown respect to laws but later it all went in vain. Sometimes most auto-rickshaw drivers want tips from the passengers but of late this situation has also changed. They do not want go anywhere without contract fare. Even sometimes they hiked fare ranging around Tk 200 for a distance of only 3 to 4 kilometers distance.
Thus the passengers are really in very distress situation. Auto rickshaw drivers of Kolkata, our neighbour country India, always respect their laws. So, why is the difference in our country? The scenario is also the same in Chittagong.
The traffic police and the BRTA should jointly be active to discipline the auto drivers and give some relief to the poor passengers.
Mohammed Jashim Uddin
Shantinagar, Dhaka.