Readers’ Forum


Police also a part of the nation

We are outraged and condemn the action of the police who on July 28,2016 fired teargas shells on the demonstrators who were marching towards the Prime Minister’s office demanding cancellation of the Rampal power plant project.
From the very beginning people were against this project. Activists of the National Committee to protect Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, Power and Ports were going to submit an open letter to the Prime Minister explaining why the committee opposed the project. It is shameful that they were not allowed to submit the letter, instead they were assaulted and even some of them were arrested.
What sort of a country we are living in where people are unable to speak out about issues which are beneficial to the country?
Are the policemen not the citizens of Bangladesh; do not they care about the welfare of the country? How could they behave so abominably? It is just unbelievable and despicable. They should have the sense when to act and when not to.
Those who are occupying the top positions in the department of law-enforcement must act wisely, must not look the other way. They should take actions against criminals not against those who are patriots and arrange programmes for the welfare of the country. We believe that the police are also a part of the nation, they are our people and hence they should act in the national interest too.

Nur Jahan
