Readers’ Forum


Hale campaign for votes

Hate-campaign against the Muslims by a major political party has been continuing in India for the last 20 days, bearing no good sign. In this connection, let me take the opportunity to write that the Muslims are not enemies of any religious community unless they (Muslims) are forcefully evicted from their homes or their properties are snatched or they are obstructed from worshipping God.
Islam prescribes for peaceful co-existence with justice and such a society where no man shall exploit another. The Muslims contributed immensely to the world civilisation. Historian Gibbon in his book ‘Decline and fall of the Roman Empire’ said when the streets of London were under the carpet of darkness; the Cordova and Granada cities of Spain under the Muslim rule were illuminated.
He again said, had not the Muslims been defeated in the Battle of Tours in 732 A.D., the Oxford University would have flourished with the culture of Arabic language. Historians Draper, Girza, Devenport, Lenpool, Martin and Hitty, among others have openly admitted the contributions of the Muslims in the world civilisation.
As such, before making any comment about an individual or group of individuals or an association or a religious community or a doctrine, every one should study history, economics and political science first.

Sultan Monsur Chowdhury
