Readers’ Forum

The causes must be analysed :
On July1, 2016 a horrifying incident happened at a cafe in Gulshan, a diplomatic area of the capital which shattered the country. People have become numb with fear and despair. We never imagined that this sort of terror strike will ever take place in our country, our peace of mind have been lost forever.
We are feeling deep sorrow for those innocent people, both Bangladeshis and foreigners, who lost their lives in such a horrible way, we convey our condolence to their families, and may they find the strength to bear the agony.
In the last few years all sorts of crimes have increased alarmingly, may be the absence of democracy is the main cause. We think it is high time for those who took control of the country to begun soul-searching to identify the causes and rectify those otherwise the country will be doomed. We hope good sense will prevail and Bangladesh will be saved from destruction.
Nur Jahan