Readers’ Forum

Additional tax burden on the middle class :
The Finance Minister Should Think Twice. There is no denial of fact that we the middle class service holders pay tax religiously and honestly. We never try to evade tax. To be very honest we pay tax before we get our monthly salary. The evasion of tax is done by big businessmen and powerful people of the country.
Even in such a situation the government this year has increased the load of tax on us, the middle income service holders. We have observed that a new system of tax calculation has been proposed in the proposed budget of FY 2016-17. In such calculation the tax rebate we have been getting so long has been reduced by introducing slabs on investment. If we need to do our tax assessment of July 15 – June 16 based on the new system then in June (this month) we have to pay a huge additional amount. If so happens then we shall have no salary left for June to run the July expenditure.
The reason is: from last July ’15 to May 16 our tax deduction has been done based on previous (still existing) calculation. But if the new system of tax deduction is introduced then our office will have to deduct a huge additional amount from our salary this month (June) to meet the total tax assessment of July ’15 – June (July) ’16. In such case we shall have very least amount left for running our family expenditure next month.
One thing I must say that the government gets maximum amount of tax from the middle class section while in return they get very least service from the government. In paying tax the middle class people have to take huge burden of deduction of salary while the big businessmen and powerful people evade tax by different means. If I give my example as tax payer I pay 20,000 Taka per month as tax deduction. If the new system of tax deduction is introduced then in June this month my office will have to deduct at least Taka 80,000 to meet the total tax assessment. Then how shall I run my family expenditure in coming July?
May I request the Finance Minister to review the proposed tax deduction and revert back to the existing one. Rather I would request the Finance Minister to increase the tax rebate on investment so that we feel more encouraged to pay tax. The Finance Minister should think twice that the middle class people have the right to live a decent life and so they should be given less tax burden on their moderate income.
Shazzad Khan