Readers’ Forum


Promoting tourism

I read an interesting report the other day to help promote tourism to Bangladesh. I was fascinated by what the writer wrote. The report was written by Sir Frank Peters who seemingly suggests that Bangladesh saves its annual tourism budget (which is getting us nowhere) and focus all our efforts around the celebration of Bangabandhu’s 100th birthday and something really big, to kick-start ‘real’ tourism.
He even suggested to honour the Father of the Nation and do something to grasp world media attention, Bangladesh should be renamed Bangabandhu for 100-days and have its own flag.
How more unique in thought can you get? No other country has even thought of doing something as unique as that.
My friends and I were excited by the ideas he listed and the thought that everyone in Bangladesh can join-in, do something unique, create history, have fun, and increase tourism to Bangladesh as never before. Even my husband (the greatest skeptic of all time!) declared the concept a winner.
I think it’s great that someone put forward a suggestion ‘out of the ordinary’ (or ‘outside the box’, as they say) that would grab world attention. Tourism to Bangladesh is a mere trickle at present, but has enormous potential.
Pritaka Manush
Gulshan 1,
