Readers’ Forum


Undemocratic threats

Taking it for granted that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is returning to power after a decade, a senior leader of the party has demanded one-third land of Bangladesh to accommodate the refugees who migrated to India from Bangladesh (and former East Pakistan) since 1947 and demanded embargo on export of beef from India. Another has threatened to demolish Pakistan within six months time.
We know that the BJP is diehard anti-Muslim. They do not like Muslims because of their ignorance about Islam and the contribution of the Muslims to the world civilisation. In this connection, let me take the opportunity of reminding them that Islam is not like other religions. There are about 1,000 verses on history, about 800 on science and technology, 300 on economics and social obligation, and about 300 on law and ethics in the holy Quran. I like to draw their attention to the tagging of social obligation with religious ritual like Namaj (Prayer). Allah does not accept Namaj of him who does not feed the hungry, clothe the nude and shelter the homeless. This is just single example among hundreds.
We, therefore, request the BJP leaders to understand Islam through reading the Quran translated in English and the related books on Islamic economy. And I am sure that they will realize their wrong conception about Islam and the Muslims and will prefer peaceful co-existence to hostility.
Abdur Rashid
