Readers’ Forum


Stop targeted killings

Ominous sign is visible everywhere, a very cunning group of designers are at work. Usually at the age of forty-five a person comes to the height of success but alas at that age our country has started to disintegrate.
In the span of 55 days, eight high profile people were murdered, Christian-convert Hossain Ali, a 73-year-old Buddhist monk was found dead with his throat slit in his temple in Bandarban and the rest of the six were killed in different ways.
Recently, many children are also being murdered regularly, a very disturbing news indeed.
We do not think behind these crimes there are Islamic Extremists, there is more to it which eye cannot see and a very sinister plan is being hatched to destabilise our country.
We feel as if an enormous Python has coiled around us, slowly squeezing the breath out of us, the day is not far away when we will become lifeless.

Nur Jahan
