Readers’ Forum


Poor knowledge base
One day I was watching a Indian movie (title forgotten) on the Video channel. An educated youth failing to manage a job began to ferry books of the world’s renowned personalities of the East and the West. The youth approached a housewife to buy a book on the life of revolutionary leader Che Guevara.
The woman said: Who is Guevara? He said: A communist leader. The woman said: Does he belong to the CPM? He said: May be, but I am not sure because I myself never read this book. This was the pitiful condition of the Indian youths fighting for Marxism.
History gives witnesses that tens of thousands of youths from Japan to the USA sacrificed their lives for a society where no man will exploit another, but they failed because of the leadership crisis. No nation can surge ahead if political leaders make serious mistakes. And the sorry part is that man does not take lessons from history.
Ameer Hamzah
