Readers’ Forum

Keep your home clean first :
In 1971, when we were fighting for our existence, the United States of America (USA) gave the Pakistan government all out supports, sent the nuclear arsenal outfitted Aircraft Carrier Enterprise in the Bay of Bengal to rescue sinking Pakistani troops. But the adventure was abandoned for fear of former Soviet Union’s counter attack.
But we were fearless, undaunted, and ready to die for motherland. We are still indomitable and care not for the angry glance of the White House administration.
We shall, rather, advise the US government to stop indiscriminate killing of its own citizens at home and intimidating the foreigners. Early this week, a gunman killed nine persons of a family in Ohio and we do not know whether the killer has been rounded up by this time for trial in a US court. This is not the single incident, but of the hundreds.
The US Police are free to shoot at any person because they enjoy indemnity. It is ridiculous when a Police man says: I shot the man dead because it appeared to me that he had arms and might kill me. What a peculiar argument it is!
The US government should first reform itself, bring all its own killers to justice, must read Political Science to know the definition and jurisdiction of human rights, and refrain from interfering into the internal affairs of our country.
We condemn every murder and at the same time we believe that the government should bring all the criminals, promoters of crimes, and defaming of religious values to justice.

A Citizen
