Readers’ Forum


Think the police are our friends

It has been reported in an English Daily on April 10, 2016 that recruitment of 13,558 policemen is underway and 21,000 others are waiting for govt approval. These additional police will be recruited when the forces’ spending has gone through the roof according to a report published in another daily on April 20, 2016. Police has sought an additional TK 1638,87 crore above their original allocation.
Law-enforcing-agents have tarnished their image considerably by their involvement in criminal activities, inefficiency and sometimes protecting the offenders. Many sensational cases are still unsolved but they are expert in harassing innocent people. So, it has become hard to think police as our friends, what is the use of recruiting additional policemen at the expense of taxpayers money then?
 If police forces become dedicated, do their jobs as it should be done crimes will come down considerably and people will get back their peace of mind.

Nur Jahan
