Readers’ Forum


Abnormal traffic congestion

It is very disappointing to see that traffic congestion in Dhaka has once again worsened to such an extreme level. In fact, it has now become almost unbearable to take, especially on a daily basis. It is totally abnormal for the roads to be this congested on such a regular basis, at all times.
Yet, what is more abnormal is the fact that many people seems to have accepted this abnormality to be the normal.
Although the traffic in Dhaka has been atrocious for many years now, there was a period in recent times where it seemed to have improved ever so slightly which, on itself, was of huge relief. However, over the last few days and weeks, it seems to have worsened beyond what it was before.
So many hours are lost on the roads and so much resource is wasted. Yet, the government, that is largely to be blamed for the current situation, seems to not care at all. Government officials have boasted about their commitment to improving the economy so often, yet, they simply ignore that, which is causing the greatest economic loss to this nation.
Most of the road development works are done totally mindlessly and without any sensible planning, leading to no benefit for the ordinary citizens, but plenty of money for those involved in it.
The sad reality is that those who are mainly responsible for such a horrible mess never actually have to suffer from it. They simply take the wrong side of the road, or have everyone else blocked off and stopped using the police and other law enforcement agencies to travel as they please, at everyone else’s expense.
And it is this total lack of empathy and consideration for others that are perhaps the most abnormal of all.

