Readers’ Forum


Share of inheritance

One of the reasons of depriving females is ignorance about the law of inheritance. A very few of us study on the issue and the socially influential persons impose wrong decision when a man dies.
If a man dies leaving behind a daughter, a grand daughter and a sister only, the daughter will inherit half of the estate, the grand daughter one-sixth and the sister one-third. Sister’s portion will be less than this if the deceased has two daughters or more.
If a man leaves behind two daughters, a grand daughter and a sister, the two daughters will get two-thirds, the grand daughter one-sixth and the sister the rest i.e. one-sixth.
If the deceased leaves a brother and a sister, the brother will get twice of the sister after payment of their portions to daughter and granddaughter.
In this connection, the government should make law with provisions of punishment for the law breakers.

Ameer Hamzah
