Readers’ Forum


Acts of utter indiscipline
We have become very upset and frightened by noticing that a section of police force instead of protecting people have become abusers.News of atrocities committed by policemen is regularly reaching us.
We learned that BB Assistant Director Golam Rabbani who was tortured by police on January 9, has allegedly received “indirect threats” to refrain from seeking legal actions against his tormentors. It is further disclosed that two men posing as journalists entered Dhaka Medical Hospital cabin and said things which amount to potential threats.
In another incident of police brutality, a sub inspector along with his subordinates on January 15 beat up a staff of Dhaka South City Corporation Conservancy Officer Bikash Chandra Das without any reason.
Police atrocities are increasing day by day and in the last two years it has increased alarmingly, what could be the reason behind it? Should not it be analysed and take steps to rein in the offending policemen?

 Nur Jahan
