Readers’ Forum


Undiplomatic move
Iran suffered a diplomatic setback in the first week of the current month when some rowdy elements set the Saudi Arabian embassy in Tehran to fire in retaliation of the exceution of a Shiite cleric in firing squad in the kingdom. The Police watched it from the safe distance and took no step to protect the embassy.
The Iranian leaders failed to read from before the consequence of the burning of the embassy properties when the majority Muslim countries joined the Saudi Arabia’s military alliance. That is why most of the Muslim countries have thrown their weight in favour of Riyadh, asking Teheran to reorganize its foreign policy.
In Syria, just 13 percents are Shiite Muslims, meaning that the minority rules the majority. Yet we suggested through this column such Constitution as reflects the interests of all the religious communities, as done in Lebanon.
According to the UNO, more than two lakh Muslims died of starvation in Syria since the beginning of the civil war four years ago, whereas Allah has made feeding the hungry as compulsory condition for entering the Paradise. The UNO must take initiative for a cease fire in Syria bringing the USA, Russia, UK, Iran and Saudi Arabia to the negotiation table.
Ameer Hamzah
