Readers’ Forum


Nature influences cricket

It has been proved that the reason a student cannot remember what s/he studied before an examination is because the lighting is different in the exam hall compared to the lighting in the student’s home where the student prepared for the exam. If they had studied under the same kind of lighting, it would be easier to recall the material studied.
Similarly, back in the old days, cricketers trained and played under natural light. However, in these modern days, matches are played both during day and night under artificial lighting. The field becomes soaked with dew and it becomes more difficult to play cricket. Players normally practice at daytime under sunlight. One reason for dropping catches, misfielding and poor batting during a match is due to the difference in the lighting. A solution to overcome this problem is to simulate the exact playing conditions in both training sessions and matches. Players should be allowed to practice under artificial lighting and also when there is dew on the ground. This way, they will not drop easy catches, misfield or hit poor shots during a match.

Aminur Rahim
