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Issa, Prophet of Allah

The members of the Christian community through out the world observe December 25 as the Christmas Day. According to the English calendar, Hazrat Issa (AS), son of Hazrat Maryam (AS), was born on this day 2015 years ago in the city of Bethlehem, Palestine.
Hazrat Issa was the Prophet of Allah for the people of his time to guide them unto the way of Allah. Two Surahs – Al Imran and Maryam – of Al Quran elaborately discussed about Issa and his mother Maryam. Interestingly Imran was the father of Maryam.
Maryam was virgin, yet she became mother, and his son became Sign of Allah unto mankind. Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Hawa had neither fathers nor mothers. On the other hand, Hazrat Issa had no father.
When an Angel came to Maryam with the tidings of a son unto her, she said: My Lord! How can I have a child when no man has touched me? He said: So, (it will be). Allah create what He wills. If He decrees a thing, He says unto it only: Be! And it is.
When they questioned Maryam’s honesty, Hazrat Issa (AS) defended her mother in cradle and said that he was a Prophet of Allah unto people and has been enjoined prayers and Zakat as long as he would remain alive. But he did not live long. The Jews conspired to kill him by cross. The Jews and the Christians and the people of all other religions except Muslims believe that Hazrat Issa was crucified.
Allah granted some special powers to him. He could restore eyesight of a blind man and cured a leper and gave life to a dead man. Allah strengthened him with Archangel Jibreel and made her mother highly respectable.
P. Rozario
