Readers’ Forum


Bad days for FIFA

The Swiss Police and the US FBI are jointly working to make football ‘a game of farce’ in the name of cleaning the so-called corruption from the organization. Two more vice-presidents have been arrested very recently, and 32 more senior officials are on the list of netting, indicating that the US FBI and the Swiss Police have declared war on the FIFA
We do not know who has given them authority to investigate into the so-called sleaze in the FIFA, the world’s most powerful sports body.
We are now in the doubt about the future of the World Cup Football 2018 and 2022. We apprehend if any of the next two editions of the World Cup is scratched citing attachment of so-called corruption into the selection of the venues, the whole system will collapse and the World Cup Football may disappear as the greatest show on the earth. In this situation, all the member states must be united against the US-Swiss conspiracy.
Football is played in 207 countries of the globe. It is the most popular sport undoubtedly. So, conspiracy against football should not be allowed to go unchecked. May we appeal to the UEFA, AFC, CONMOBOL and other continents’ football bodies to be united against the conspiracy?
Abdullah Akber
