Readers’ Forum


Conceptualising self-government

Political philosopher Dr. Toquivile defined the meaning and the importance of the local government in the following words. “A nation may establish a system of free government, but without the spirit of municipal institutions, it cannot have the spirit of liberty.”
By local self-government, we mean the administration of local areas to be run by the elected representatives. But if the provincial or the central government’s officials or their nominated persons run the administration of local areas, the administration shall be local, but not the local self-government.
Harold Laski said, “The institution of local government is educative to, perhaps, a higher degree than any other part of government. Political thinker Bryce said, “The local institutions inculcate the spirit of intellect, appropriateness, justice and social spirit, which are essential for the success of democracy. For success, interference into local functions must be stopped.”
However, the state can appoint auditors to audit he accounts of local bodies to check misuse of power and government aid. The state can even appoint official if the elected representative of an area is unable to discharge his duties on health ground. But under no circumstances, an elected representative should be removed for difference of political ideology.
Can we follow all about the local self-government what the political thinkers said?

Ameer Hamzah
