Readers’ Forum


We must truly remember their sacrifice

“Ek shagor rokter binimoyey Banglar shadhinata anley jara ,amra tomader bhulbona” this emotional patriotic song often comes to my mind. I feel deep gratitude and at the same time ashamed that we could not uphold their sacrifice. They gave us a free country to live in peacefully but what have we done? Peace has vanished, violence has taken over. Spilling of blood is a common occurrence, no one is feeling safe anywhere. Law and order is in tether. We do not know what is in store for us in the future.
We do not want to live in a suffocating atmosphere where we cannot speak out our minds, suggest which will be beneficial for the country, surely the Freedom Fighters did not want it that way.
We pray all the miseries to go away and we can live in peace in the country which the martyrs gave us in exchange of their blood.
Nur Jahan

Set up more Engineering College


A commendable development has been achieved in agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors during last couple of decade in Bangladesh. It is moving towards industrialization. Bangladesh makes ocean-going ship, produces cold rolled steel coil, and assembles air cooler, fridge, motorbike, sedan, textile products and etc. When Bangladesh emerged as an independent country, 44 years backs it could not produce even a nail then.
Bangladesh is second largest garment and knit exporter in today’s earth. In next decade, Bangladesh is expected to become a middle-income country. Many industries will need huge technical work force. Indeed, shortage of technical work force will be a major impediment for economic development. Bangladesh has to take programmers now to cope with the challenge i.e. required man-power needs to be transformed into technical work force.
The transformation needs a few years to achieve the desired goal. The people concerned know that a lot of industrial venture like steel, dyeing, etc. have been engaging foreign technical hands at exorbitant higher wages. Bangladesh will face shortage of engineers in next decade if we do not establish engineering collages now.
Munshiganj is part of old greater Dhaka. It is now a new district and distance is one hour journey from zero point from Dhaka by road. Munshiganj is a neglected district town from technical education point of view. Setting up a full-fledged engineering college for imparting undergraduate engineering education in different disciplines is very much necessary. Thousands of students at higher secondary level are interested to study engineering subjects. An engineering collage should be set up there.

Md. Ashraf Hossain
