Readers’ Forum


No heroism in killing civilians

We weep for the deaths of over 125 people in the city of Paris, capital of France, on Saturday and at the same time we firmly believe that a fair investigation can discover the motive and identify the assailants.
A day earlier, unknown murderers killed about 46 Lebanese in Bairut, capital of Lebanon and wounded over 200. Last week, about 41 Kurd Muslims and Turkmen were killed in Ankara, capital of Turkey, by the suicide attackers. According to the agency reports, the Islamic State Militia (ISM) men were responsible for the above three (and more) massacres in West Asia and Europe. Interestingly, the ISM have not yet carried out such suicide attacks in Israel and the USA.
As Islam does not endorse killing of innocent civilians and suicide, we condemn and denounce it and demand justice. In this regard, we once again call for an impartial and fair election in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Israel and Iraq for installation of neutral governments.
Ameer Hamzah

Unsolved power equation in Myanmar


The Myanmar general polls are now in quagmire. No body can say who will form the government? Will it be the NLD? Or will the Armed Forces stage a coup to stay in power, knowing it well that both the USA and China will watch the development from safe distant as did they in the past?
But our question is: Will the 30 lakh Rohingya Muslims get back their socio-economic and political rights? Or will their condition further worsen and the rich Muslim countries will watch the stateless Muslims to sink in the Bay of Bengal once for all? The so-called democracy can do no good to the people unless the political leaders have sense to do good to the people.
We do not want to say any more about the UNO. It is now the mouthpiece of the US government. Will not the UNO get back its power to take own decision?

Abdullah Akber
