Readers’ Forum


The extremists Buddhists

We heard until 2010 that the Buddhism is a non-violent religion and its followers do not kill living animals for meals. But with the passage of time, the Myanmar Buddhists have become the most violent community with pledge to kill the Muslims and to make them have-nots.
When the 30 lakh Rohingya Muslims are on the way of annihilation, the World watches it from the safe distance. Should not be the UNO, the OIC and the ASEAN ashamed for deliberate failure?

Khurshida Haque

Rights of workers

In Islamic principles, as advocated by the Prophet Muhammad (SM), workers are part of production and, so, they must get an amount from the employer’s profits. Appoint not any one as an employee without fixing his salary, terms and conditions and pay it before his sweat is dried (i.e. on the fixed date).
Allah has instructed us in Verse No. 26/181, 182 to give every one his due and to weigh a thing with right scale and not to make mischief in the world by doing wrong to men. It means if the employers are deprived of their rights, the society may break down.
We should therefore be cautious about our duties and responsibilities.


Abdullah Akber

Make new law

May we request the government to make a new law with provision of death or the life imprisonment, for those who commit the following offences?
1. The first one is for beating wives because they (the women in wed-lock) are life partners, sharer of pains and pangs of life and hence they deserve respect. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (SM) has banned beating wife.
2. 2. For demanding dowry from wives or their guardians, as Allah has forbidden it.
In case of dispute between a wife and her husband, the local administrator, or the two guardians, will appoint a two men arbitration board, one from each side, for reconciliation, or to take any decision, binding on them. Verse No. 4/129 empowers females to divorce their husbands if they (females) fear injustice and oppression.

Ameer Hamzah
