Readers’ Forum


Students deserve due respect

Students are the backbone and future of a country. They should grow up in an environment which is congenial because upcoming leaders will emerge from them. But current situation of our educational institutions has dashed all our hopes. Our education system has become sullied with all sorts of deplorable incidents. In former day, it was not like this. It was peaceful. Students used to look upon their teachers with utmost respect and teachers also were dedicated.
But now-a-days it is no more like that, we hear about incidents in which many students behave abominably with teachers and many teachers also have fallen from grace for their selfish and greedy nature.
Our education system is falling apart. Question papers are often being leaked. This year MBBS and Bachelor of Dental Surgery admission tests question papers were leaked.
We are outraged by learning that police baton charged and fired pepper spray when students were marching towards the Health Directorate to submit “evidence of question paper leaks”. Seven demonstrators were hurt by police action. What does the government have to say about this?
Nur Jahan
