Readers’ Forum


Roads or trash bins?

When I walk or travel along any road, I notice with disappointment that people throw almost anything and everything on the roads in Bangladesh. Shopkeepers keep on dumping the wastage onto the roads as long as their shops are open.
We treat the roads as public trash bins. Consequently roads become dirty, stinky and unhealthy. It also creates an additional pressure on the road cleaners.
However, I have seen in Bangkok that shopkeepers store the waste in garbage bags and, at the end of the day, put them in front of their shops. The following morning, road cleaners come and collect the trash bags.
It saves the cleaners’ time and roads remain clean. Undoubtedly, it is a good habit which we can also begin practicing in Bangladesh. The authority concerned can also take some measures to raise awareness among the people to create a healthier environment.

Jerry Cornelius Cardoza,
