Readers’ Forum

Save our friendly image :
The people of our country have a reputation of to be amiable and welcoming to our guests. Foreigners visiting Bangladesh for business or pleasure highly praise our hospitality.
But this friendly image has been tarnished by brutal killing of one Italian and one Japanese citizen who were living here for a while.
Rest of the world is now greatly concerned about the law and order in Bangladesh. Australia cricket team immediately called off their tour; South Africa women’s team followed them within a week. Different embassies advised their citizens to exercise caution at all time.
Sectors like tourism will be terribly affected unless the authority takes prompt action and ensures safety to all the visitors.
Winter is the most pleasant time of the year to enjoy the beauty of Bangladesh. We need to let our visitors know that we are as hospitable as we were in the past.

Zubair Hossain
Gulshan 2, Dhaka.
email: [email protected]
