Readers` Forum


Deepening crisis in Syria Russia is sending troops in Syria, ignoring the USA and the NATO warning in order to wipe out the anti-Assad forces from that country. It appears from the latest statement issued by the defence ministry that Russia has risked the World War III with a view to curbing the US hegemony world wide. According to the experts, Russia has abilities to rub out the USA from the map of the world, even if attacked first.But we do not want any more civil war in Syria because about 2.50 lakh people have already been killed and more than half of the total population fled the country for security reason.What we feel that the struggle for power could be brought to end in the following ways. 1) All the foreign troops must be withdrawn from Syria; 2) all the guerilla organisations opposing President Assad must be disarmed; 3) those who have fled from the country must be rehabilitated; 4) a free and fair election under the supervision of the UNO and the OIC should be held; and 5) the future Constitution of the country must be of Lebanon model. And at the end of the day, Assad must be tried for his brutality and anti-humanity activities. However, will the UNO and the OIC take initiative in this respect?Khurshida HaqueDhaka
