Readers’ Forum

The avoidable Mina tragedy :
We are horror stricken, outraged and feeling deep sorrow by the incident in which more than thousand pilgrims died and hundreds were injured by stampede when they were performing Hajj. This tragedy shook the whole world, how could this happen, why Saudi Arabia did not take the proper steps to protect the pilgrims?
From the media reports of September 30, 2015 we learned from an eye witness what actually happened on the fateful day. Ferdous Ahmed who was waiting in a queue all of a sudden heard people screaming on the ground floor as security personnel were forcing pilgrims out of the bridge at two points. They were doing it to ensure the security of a Royal guest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The security personnel asked the pilgrims to make space for arrival of the Saudi prince and his companions. As there was a huge crowd, naturally the situation turned chaotic. All because of a Prince!
So, we think Saudi Arabia is solely responsible for this tragedy. They must apologize to families of the victims and ensure that it never happens again.

Nur Jahan
