Readers’ Forum

Mina Tragedy

We have no words to condole the family members of those pilgrims who met the tragic deaths at Mina in Mecca on last Thursday. In the week before last the craine tragedy took over a hundred lives, inside the Holy mosque. Mentionable, such accidents are almost common on near regular basis since 1990.
We do not know the causes of so many deaths at a time, but we suggest the Saudi Arabian government to create more passages to Mina so that the pilgrims can easily reach Mina to stone the token devils. The pilgrims do it as Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) did it as mark of abhorrence to Iblish, who tried to deviate him (Hazrat Ibrahim) and his son Ismail thousand of years ago.
An Islamic scholar said, the pilgrims should do it in order to clean themselves from indecency, evils and injustice to others. If a man fails to keep from the aforesaid three malevolencies after return from Hajj, it should be taken that their Hajj mission was a flop. Hajj is an Ordinance of Allah upon every Muslim who is financially solvent and physically fit. Let us pray to Allah for the salvation of the departed souls.
The management efficiency at official level (of Saudi government) should be raised and revisited. Number of Hajjis can also be limited and those who have performed Hajj once, be not allowed for a 2nd /3rd time because, Hajj is a compulsory obligation for once in life time. However, they may perform ‘Omra Hajj’ in any time of the year.
Ameer Hamzah


Eid programme on TVs

The state run Bangladesh Television and the private television channels telecast about a weeklong programme every year on the occasion of two Eid. But sadly, the very objectives of the two Islami doctrines are not discussed, to say that the programme producers are themselves ignorant and do not know what should be the theme of every programme.
However, the BTV telecast a programme on the night of Thursday which reminded the Muslims that the meat of the sacrificed animals must be fed to the poor in terms of two verses of Surah Hajj. If any one does not do it, he violates the Command of Allah. The private television channels should, therefore, be careful in devising the Eid programme.

Abdullah Akber
