Readers’ Forum


‘Dislike’ button on Facebook

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently said that a ‘dislike’ button is going to be added to the popular social network. It may be necessary to use the new button sometimes, but I wonder if it will be misused by users spreading hate and hostility. In my opinion, instead of ‘dislike’, an ’empathy’ button should be added to Facebook by which users could express their reactions to posts about death or loss.

Professor M Zahidul Haque
SAU, Dhaka

Who is fit for US Presidency

One of the two US Presidential candidates has said that the Muslims are unfit for the US Presidency. By this statement, the candidate has sent the 28 lakh US Muslims into the state of uncertainty regarding access to the jobs.
Now the natural question is how far the US Christians and the Jews have studied the Quran and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (SM)? If they did it, they would have known about the Muslims’ glorious contribution to the science and technology and expansion of civilisation? Do they know when Spain under the Muslim rule glittered; the streets of London were in dark?
In brief, we shall request all Americans to study the Quran enriched with about 800 science and technology related verses. If they do it, all their confusions about Islam will disappear from their one-truck mind. In this regard, I would like to take the opportunity to remind them that Allah, the Almighty, has made all that in Heavens and Earth subservient to men. Again He has enjoined justice, giving of the due to the kindred, and doing good to others, and forbade evils, indecency and rebellion.


Peter Rozario

The beauty of autumn

Now it is the autumn season. But where is the autumn? Brimming rivers, corn and crop fields with green waves, glittering stars in the blue sky, rafts of floating white clouds, buzzing of bees in the flower gardens, chirping birds in trees, gentle breeze from the south and songs sung by cart men and boatmen used to charm our hearts and minds.
Those days are gone. Now there are rivers but dry, there is sky but stars cannot be seen because thick layers of dust in the air. There are green fields but no smile on the farmers’ faces, there are flowers but no bees; but there are men who are cruel to the extreme.
It is said that climate change has adversely affected Bangladesh. Observers blame cutting of hills and forests, construction of barrages on the international rivers for withdrawing waters from our shares, and excessive emitting of smoke through chimney for the fallouts of climate change.
But thoughtful men say that the making of mischief in the land after reformation has caused climate change through out the world. Therefore, we should work accordingly.

Abdul Mazid
