Readers` Forum


Rising acts of crimesIt seems that the country has become a haven for criminals. They are cowards and at the same time cruel. That is why we are hearing so many children being murdered brutally and in a very perverse way. The girls, even below 10 years, are becoming frequent victims of such brutality. Shame on us that we are unable to save these innocent children from this horrible fate. In the last few years, all sorts of crimes have gone up alarmingly. What the government has to say about this. Sometimes the law-enforcing agents themselves become involved in criminal activities. So, to whom shall we turn to?Now we have become hostage to another problem. In our childhood we used to hear the lullaby ” Khoka Gumalo Para Juralo, Borgi elo deshey, Bulbulitey dhan kheyche khajna debo kishey”.We honestly hope, that there should not be a parody of it with our boys/ youths involved in acts of crimes. Let us pray, they get self-corrected.Nur JahanChittagongOf ethics and moralityThe religion based political parties can contribute to the amelioration of people’s ethics and morality. The leaders of the parties by issuing statements, jointly or separately, in the newspapers and the television channels, will explain the necessity of amelioration of ethics and morality in the society, adding that the criminals will be dealt with severely in the Hereafter regardless of legal action.The imams of the mosques and the teachers of the madrasas should do the same things, saying if a man injures another physically or mentally, Allah will never be kind to him unless the affected man pardons the wrong-doer.We think that such statements and actions can prevent a good number of the wrong-doers from doing wrong. If a man is convinced of Allah’s punishment in the Hereafter, he will think several times before resorting to evils.None should say that Allah will forgive us if we seek His forgiveness even after repetition of offences. Such statement is wrong and promotes anarchy in the society.To end, I like to request the newspaper and the television channels to cooperate with those who warn wrong-doers.Law alone is not enough to stop crime if morality of people decays.Ameer HamzahDhaka
