Readers’ Forum


Sports TV channel demanded

Conventional wisdom suggests most of the newspapers readers and the TV viewers read the sports news first and then switch over to other items as per choice. But they become disappointed, because the sports news is kept confined mostly into cricket and European football only.
As a result, we cannot say what is happening in our own continent, South America and other parts of the world. Had there been a sports channel, we would have been able to know more in details. Surely, the government can open a sports channel, which will be verily profitable one.
 Cricket and the limited European football are not enough to quench our thirst. We cannot say which nation became champions in the world Athletics championship concluded in Beijing on Sunday. We are unable to quote the names of the countries capturing world titles in swimming, basketball, badminton, volleyball, table tennis, rowing, gymnastics, shooting, hockey, archery, baseball and other disciplines.
So, may we request the Ministry Of Information to consider our proposal for a sports channel.
Abdullah Akber
Value people’s rightful demand

Now-a-days I have lost all interest of reading news papers or watching news reports on television, because mostly depressing and outrageous informations await there.
When people from all over the country protesting vehemently the construction of the Rampal Power Plant near the Sunderbans, we are aghast by learning that the government is going to set up another 1,320 megawatt plant next to the current project. We just cannot believe it. How could the government become so indifferent to the welfare of the country and not give importance to the people’s rightful demand? Does the government want to turn the country into an inferno?
It is a joint venture of Indian National Thermal Power Corporation and Bangladesh Power Development Board, but we do not understand why it is going to be built in on our side of the Sunderbans. The first plant is located just 14 kilometres upstream of the Sunderbans Reserve Forest, the world’s largest remaining mangrove forest and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The way the government is acting, not caring about anything, is an ominous sign. So they must shun this path and act sensibly.
Nur Jahan
